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The Hero Programme
PRINT THIS: Hero Info Sheet
Welcome, welcome! (5:05)
What's a hero?
Video: Archetype of the Warrior
Who are your heroes?
Video: "The Journey" by Mary Oliver
The False Mask
Masks (8:54)
Exercise 1: The Should List
What is a mask?
Masks of Love vs. Masks of Rebellion
The 7 Masks
Exercise 2: Which are your masks?
Exercise 3: What to do with a mask
Video: TEDx on The Art of Being You
Thoughts on Personality Typology
Personality Types (16:29)
Exercise 5: The 4 Personalities
Video: TEDx talk on personality types
Integrity, Strength, Courage
Find Your Strength: 24 Character Strengths
Find Your Truth: Values (21:54)
Exercise 6: The 3 Brains
Exercise 7: Values
Find Your Courage: Confidence (12:48)
Exercise 8: Circle of Confidence
The Hero
Exercise 9: The Ideal Self
Working With The Ideal Self
Ideal Self & The Map of Meaning (16:32)
Exercise 10: The Map of Meaning
Video: Finding Yourself
Time To Save The World
Life Purpose & Superpower (19:25)
Exercise 11: Life Purpose/Superpower
Exercise 12: The Mission
How To Save The World
RESOURCES: Examples of Missions At Work
Video: Beauty
Video: Laughter
Video: Gaming
Article: Cooking
Podcast: Cycling
Article: Kindness
Aticle: Technology
Article: Fun
Video: Poetry
What Next? The Mission Going Forward
Be yourself and save the world (6:48)
Build Your Hero Team
When People In Your Life Don't Understand (23:30)
Find Your Courage: Confidence
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